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The importance of a business model for social media platforms

By now all of the major public social media platforms have reported their Q2 earning figures. They have grown from small start-up companies to significant companies so it is extra interesting to compare them and see how they stack up. We have specifically looked at Facebook (FB), Twitter (TWTR) and LinkedIn (LNKD). All

Social media financials

Posted simple assessment of the financials of the three major social media networks on Twitter today. From the assessment it is clear that validation of the three social media networks is well aligned and seem to be based on the size of the network. However, when it comes to the financials of the networks there

Announcing bumblewing

2by2 is engaged in an exiting project called bumblewing. bumblewing offers the marketer a unique way to use social media and drive buzz. With unmatched reach, live data streams and powerful analytic capabilities, bumblewing will change the way marketers work with social media. bumblewing offers the blogger a whole new way to capitalize day-to-day work

2by2 in social media

2by2 follows the evolution of social media closely. Social media can be an extremely powerful tool that has the potential to substantially boost your success, if correctly leveraged. But it is also a tool that quickly can destroy your brand if less effectively used. In many of the strategy cases we are engaged in, social media