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The lost opportunity of strategy

In order to really try to understand the functional area of strategy we run a online survey targeted towards business executives. Based on the responses on this survey we can draw some conclusions on the executives own perspective on strategy; which we believe is really interesting and provide good insights. We have previously published a

Companies missing the business model opportunity

In earlier articles we have described the basic fundamentals of a business strategy. The absolute minimum, we said, is that the strategy contains description of, and gives clarity on, four different dimensions. First of all the strategy should give clarity on the offerings, hence what is the company actually bringing to the market. The second

Insight on Strategy: Strategy realization

The result of a well-articulated strategy should be visible in your company’s balance sheet and/or income statement. A strategy that does not result in concrete business results is useless. This philosophy is what we are referring to when we talk about value through strategy – concrete value delivered through a clearly articulated strategy. However, in

Insight on Strategy: Business Planning

Business planning is a core activity for any professionally run business. If handled well, it should result in a comprehensive business plan that enables the company to operate both efficiently and effectively. However, it is important to realize how the business plan in any company should relate to the overarching strategy. In this Insight on

Competitor benchmarks and customer research

Here at 2by2 we are often asked whether we can help perform a competitor benchmark and/or customer research. The competitor benchmarks are usually requested when executives want a better understanding of whether there is any white space in the market; that is, whether there are segments in the market with a less competitive situation. Customer

Energy-light economic growth – a call for action

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have been the subject of discussions for many years. Specifically, CO2 emissions are believed to have a significant negative impact on the environment we all share. In order to reduce the negative impact of the environment, a great deal of focus has been placed on energy sourcing; that is, the way

Insight on Strategy: The Strategy development team

Strategy is one of the most ambiguous terms in business today. At 2by2, we believe that strategy is one of the most important and powerful business concepts that you can leverage in order to secure continued profitable growth for your company. One of the key challenges with strategy is to think through the right approach

2by2 strategy survey 2012

In order to even better understand how companies perceive strategy, 2by2 has launched a strategy survey that focuses specifically on trying to assess key aspects of the functional area of strategy. The 2by2 strategy survey report for 2012 has just been issued and is shared with all executives that have contributed with their perspectives in

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Some countries clearly sub-scaled when it comes to R&D

It is commonly known that research and development (R&D) is of outmost important for many companies in several different industries, such as high-tech, telecom, healthcare etc. For companies in such industries the ability to excel in R&D may have a direct impact on the company’s competitive position in the market and consequently also have a